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Forex Flash: Continued Short Covering in EUR, but JPY Shorts Added - Nomura (Barcelona) - Nomura strategists note that the notable positioning changes over the weekend included continued short covering by speculators in EUR, in addition to JPY shorts and paring back of AUD exposure.

They add that speculators covered $3.4bln of the $8.3bln EUR short, as the currency has generally stayed stable despite political concerns around Italy. They see that AUD selling likely reflects the significant commodities sell off over the weekend, to which Australia is geared, and the JPY moves likely reflect opportunistic dip-buying by CTA´s in USD/JPY.

They note that JPY positioning remains net short at -93k contracts and after some profit taking last week, they see that it appears speculators used the risk meltdown to buy more USD/JPY, adding $2.2bln of net short positions. They write, “The volatility market continues to reflect the same sentiment, but positioning is less extreme than in December indicating only a little cause for concern.” They see that there was continued short covering in EUR to the tune of 21k contracts, bringing the overall position to -30k, as shorts likely grew impatient with the lack of currency moves, amid slowing US economic data. Finally, the comment that the other theme was in commodity currencies, in line with the commodity meltdown on Friday and Monday. They write, “There was large scale selling of AUD ($2.6bn) as well as CAD ($0.4bn), and CAD risk reversals also point to extreme bearishness.”

Forex Flash: G20 appears to be JPY non event - OCBC Bank

Emmanuel Ng of OCBC Bank notes that with the G20 meetings proving to be a non-event for the JPY, USD/JPY strode higher on Friday with the pair ending higher past 99.50 by late NY, with the yen also weakening across G10 space.
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Forex: EUR/USD dips to lows around 1.3040

The selling interest in the bloc currency intensified after the opening bell in London, dragging the cross to fresh intraday lows in sub 1.3040 levels so far...
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