
Coronavirus to significantly impact Australian tourism - CBA

In an interview with Bloomberg, Head of bond and rates strategy at Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), Martin Whetton, spoke about the negative impact of the China coronavirus on the Australian economy.

Key Quotes:

"There are fears that the coronavirus will significantly impact tourism numbers for Australia on top of the impact from recent bushfires."

"We hold the view of lower market rates and we target 10-year yields at 0.85% in the coming months."

Fed to hike IOER rate by 5bps - TD Securities

Analysts at TD Securities expect the US Federal Reserve (Fed) to hike the interest rate it pays on excess reserves (IOER) by 5 basis points to 1.6%. K
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US Official: White House did not ask for a suspension of US-China flights

A senior Trump administration official came out on the wires in the last minutes, denying the earlier CNBC report that White House may suspend all Chi
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