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Forex Flash: LDP and New Komeito coalition likely to gain Upper House majority - Nomura (Barcelona) - Nomura strategist Yujiro Goto notes that based on past election results, the LDP and New Komeito coalition is likely to gain majority in the upper house at the forthcoming election in July if the coalition gains more than 40% of the votes.

He sees that the result of the polling suggests to him that the ruling coalition is now very likely to gain a majority in the upper house after the election. He writes, “An election to fill a vacant seat in the upper house is scheduled to be held this weekend (April 28) and the result is worth monitoring whether Prime Minister Abe‟s popularity actually leads to more votes for the ruling coalition.”

Forex Flash: G20 fails to make splash – Deutsche Bank

The G20/IMF/World Bank meeting wrapped up over the weekend, with the G20 simply reiterating its pledge to avoid competitive devaluation and saying that the BoJ's monetary policy is "intended to stop inflation and support domestic demand".
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Forex Flash: NZD downside favored this week – BNZ

In New Zealand, “the market and everyone else expects the RBNZ to leave the OCR at 2.5% on Wednesday. As for the NZD reaction, this will depend on how the accompanying statement balances signs of building economic momentum and house price heat against a currency that continues to exceed RBNZ expectations.” notes the BNZ Research Team.
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